Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Studying in Aurangabad

The colleges in aurangabad is at par with others colleges in india interms of quality of education, and infracture. Esp Maulana Azad college of arts, science, and commerce[ curently more than 9 bhutanese studying here ] is well known and one of the best in the region.

Course fees and university fees[ one time ], is quite cheap comparing to other universities elsewhere . courses like BBA, BCA is very low. example here BBA cost between Rs 10000 to 16000 [ depends upon colleges], unlike Rs 60,000 to 80,000 in other colleges in other universities. Keeping in mind that syllabus for BBA is 80% simillar all over India , Its is quite cheap here .

Living cost is equally cheap. Anywhere between Rs 2000 to 3500 owing to low house rent [ getting a house is simple and easy], food and entertaiment.

Aurangabad has a perfect place for studing. A city surrounded by hills on four site, and old gates all over . World famous caves, Ajanta and Ellora being located here . Its has many Multiplex, shopping malls, Zoo , and muesums. No night club[ only on ocassions like new year] and drugs free zone, its is typical indian city.